Online Environmental Training | EPA Institute

Introduction to Hazardous Materials (HazMat)

Course Description

As hazardous materials and hazardous wastes become more and more commonplace, accumulating in our earth, air, and water, it is vitally important that citizens are well informed about the challenges posed by these substances. American communities are facing policy decisions that can dramatically affect their population’s well being: Should hazardous materials traffic be regulated? What is the community’s role in preparing for the possibility of a serious hazardous materials accident? What should be done with household hazardous wastes? Concerned community members willing to take the time to learn more about such issues can help protect their own health and contribute to their community—for just as surely as there are thorny problems associated with hazardous materials, there are creative minds at work seeking and testing solutions.

This quick-study course is intended to provide interested members of the general public with a basic introduction to hazardous materials that can serve as a foundation for more specific research. No prior knowledge of the subject is assumed.

Learning Objectives

At the end of the course, the reader should be able to:

  • Recognize the dangers posed by hazardous materials;
  • List places where hazardous materials are likely to be encountered;
  • Identify when a hazard may exist;
  • Contact the appropriate persons or agencies to give or receive specific hazardous materials information; and
  • Identify procedures to minimize personal and community exposure to hazardous materials.

National Pollution Discharge Elimination System

Course Description
EPA regulates point sources that discharge pollutants (from both storm water and non-storm water) into waters of the United States through provisions of the Clean Water Act known as the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) program. This course will provide you with an in-depth overview and understanding of this program, in addition to, examining the latest processes and requirements for both types of construction permits (Army Corps 404 and NPDES stormwater 402) and also the standard water quality operating permits (process wastewater NPDES and industrial stormwater MSGP NPDES).

Course attendees will become familiar with the history and requirements of the NPDES program and learn to determine which projects, activities, or systems require coverage under an NPDES permit. We will examine how to properly complete permits for submission to regulatory agencies, including preparation of SWPPP and Section 404 permit programs and review the requirements for municipal and construction NPDES Phase II Storm-water permits.

How You Will Benefit

  • Who needs to apply for permits?
  • Techniques for simplifying the permit preparation process.
  • Learn when/where BMP’s should be implemented.
  • Understand Technology Based Effluent Limits and Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL)
  • Identify several features common to the federal pollution control statutes that regulate the Corps. In particular, students will be able to identify the sanctions which are applicable under the pollution control statutes and the principles under which they are imposed.
  • Identify major programs under the Clean Air Act and the basic requirements they impose.
  • Identify when an NPDES permit is required and the basic requirements that this program imposes.
  • Describe in words the potential impact of pollution on aquatic life.
  • List the major types of common pollutants to surface water.
  • Describe in words the impacts associated with the major types of common pollutants.
  • Describe in words NPDES and how it is related to waste-water treatment plants.
  • Learn the origins of the NPDES storm-water permitting programs and requirements, as well as preview any new rules.
  • Learn the requirement and procedure of Section 404 Permit.
  • Implement Best Management Practice in construction projects.

Air Emission Control Technologies

Course Description
This four hour course provides an overview of the various air emission control technologies while introducing students to the environmental, technical and legal aspects of pollution prevention.

Today, environmental management is moving toward pollution reduction and prevention strategies. This movement represents a major shift in policy from a regulation/control model to a technical assistance and education model. Managers in public and private sectors must develop new skills that allow them to identify opportunities for pollution prevention, develop strategies for effecting change in businesses and link those strategies to available technologies. Planning for pollution prevention is recognized as a vital component of this process.

This course covers the preparation and submission of the permit application while identifying the purpose and requirements of permits as defined in Title V. This course also addresses the identification of the types of air permits (permit exemption, construction permits, minor source permits, synthetic minor permits and major source permits). In addition we will review the maximum and best available control technology standards; compliance for pollution prevention; lowest available control technology; and reasonably available control technology. This course is beneficial for permit writers and inspectors who must read and interpret permit conditions and perform inspections of permitted sources. The course takes each student from an introductory level to an advanced level..

How You Will Benefit

  • Understand the national and state legislative mandates and their requirements for pollution prevention.
  • Understand multi-media pollution prevention assessments and analysis.
  • Understand procedures and requirements for pollution prevention planning in other states.
  • Understand the methods and procedures which are used to prepare air quality permits.
  • Understand and identify various Pollution Control Technologies.
  • Understand the rules, regulations and requirements associated with maximum achievable control technology (MACT), best available control technology (BACT),  reasonably available control technology (RACT) and lowest achievable emission rate (LAER)
  • Define attainment and non-attainment areas as described by the Clean Air Act.
  • Define key terms associated with Title I compliance requirements, including National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS), degrees of non-attainment, major source, Criteria Air Pollutants, and New Source Performance Standards (NSPS).
  • Identify requirements for attainment and maintenance of National Ambient Air Quality Standards as defined in Title I.
  • Identify requirements for limiting Hazardous Air Pollutants as defined in Title III.
  • Define key terms associated with Title III compliance requirements, including Hazardous Air Pollutants, Maximum Air Control Technology, and Risk Management Planning, and NESHAP’S.
  • Identify purpose and requirements of Operating Permits as defined in Title V.
  • Identify processes for determining air-permitting compliance.
  • Identify types of air permits from degree of least stringency to highest, including permit exemption, construction permits, minor source permits, synthetic minor permits, and major source permits.
  • Identify and select appropriate control technologies for existing and/or new facilitie